TOP - ISC-Name
Worldsoft AG
Gert F. Lang
Member of Webmaster Alliance

Successful advertising

The Internet offers many possibilities for advertising - the Google AdWords program is one of the most efficient ways to do this.

With the aid of Google AdWords you can reach users actively searching for your products and services. This means you can directly address customers and visitors of your particular target group. Cost per click pricing (CPC) means that you only pay if a user actually clicks onto your advertisement. In this way your costs can be easily controlled. You can also, for example, specify a certain financial limit per day and month, test out various keywords in advance and much more.

We will gladly handle your Google AdWords registration and, together with you, create an entire advertising campaign - meeting your exact budget requirements! You will be pleasantly surprised: Google AdWords is not as expensive as you might expect!


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Ansprechpartner: Gert F. Lang  0041-44-5334545

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